A shocking new survey by Rasmussen, the veteran polling firm, revealed Tuesday that 28 percent of likely voters “would engage in at least one kind of illegal voting practice if that was “the only way to stop” an opposing candidate from winning.”
Faith in the majority of voters is restored with the revelation that 72 percent would not bend or break the rules so their candidate would be the winner.
The survey of 1,467 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on April 5-10, by Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence, Rasmussen said.
Pollsters discovered that there is really not much difference when one breaks down the political landscape. According to Rasmussen, 29 percent of Trump voters, 27 percent of Biden voters and 25 percent of Kennedy voters indicated they would engage in “various illegal voting practices.”
The November election is still more than six months away, but the political climate is heating up, with both the national and state legislative races on the ballot this fall. Rasmussen’s poll had some bad news for Joe Biden and the Democrats. The survey found that 45 percent of participants would vote for former President Donald Trump, 36 percent for Biden and 11 percent for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Rasmussen said this new poll follows up on a Rasmussen/Heartland survey back in December which found more than 20 percent of voters who used mail-in ballots in 2020 admitted they participated in some sort of election fraud.
The new survey shows 18 percent of likely voters would fill out ballots for their spouse or another trusted family member, with their permission, which would “allow them to use their ballots to vote for a candidate.” Seventeen percent would fill out a ballot for a coworker or acquaintance.
One alarming note found 9 percent admitting that, if given the opportunity, “they would alter the candidate selections made in a mail-in ballot belonging to a friend or family member, without their knowledge.”
Eight percent of survey respondents said they would alter a ballot if it was the only way they could help get their candidate elected.
Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows Biden’s popularity hasn’t changed much. While 43 percent approve of the president’s job performance, 55 percent disapprove. Breaking that down, onlyk 23 percent “strongly approve” of Biden’s performance, while 44 percent “strongly disapprove.”