Hundreds of miles from the continuous buzz of the Yellow Vest Movement and french middle class commuters protesting rising gas prices and increasing limitations on vehicle use, citizens in a rural and quaint corner of the country are making their voices heard across the globe. As the Democratic Socialist government led by the ruthless policy generating empire of President Emmanuel Macron in making life difficult for residents from Paris to the remote regions bordering the Alps, somewhere in the maelstrom of subversion, Bernie Sanders has to be quietly weeping and maniacally laughing, while the foisted republic continues to fail in the modern economy and scorching political climate.
In a true testament to the troubling logic of the greater good outweighing the livelihood of a few, the cornerstone principle of revisionist Socialism, the minority are having the last laugh and at the literal expense of the entire sordid system of bureaucratic thuggery. A farmer in the small village of Crêts en Belledonne said enough with the insanity and with a resounding gesture of benevolence and selflessness took it upon himself and his herd of sheep to send a message to local authorities, reports The Local, by signing up a selected number of animals to attend the area school. The bold move was in response to officials in the department of Isère threatening to reduce education funding for the village and forcing the school to eliminate classes because enrollment was apparently not up to the figures established by party officials. The insidious and little talked about nightmare of socialism is that there absolutely exists no guarantees, whether it is in the case of school bonds, or a senior citizen being denied a medical procedure based simply on the decision influenced by importance to society and the allocation of resources.
In a symbolic and empathetic rally of hope to grab the attention of the pencil pushers in the department of the unacceptable circumstances at hand, the farmer enrolled 15 sheep to raise the “official” class number to 276, as students, parents and faculty proudly witnesses the poignant satire. Ironically, the population of Isère is represented by 58 politicians, with over half identifying as Socialists or affiliated with the French Communist Party. One simply has to ask who is more qualified to handle the administrative duties of the department, the sheep or the sheeple?
At least the students are learning a valuable lesson as to the importance of wisdom brutally displayed by the farmer, as opposed to the inane philosophies of ineffective elected leaders who cannot even serve the basic needs of their constituents.
Read The Local story here.