“The consistency of steadiness achieves relativistic speeds, time a training partner with light”- the opaque conclusion a product of the Biden regime and a confusing interpretation of the future shock modernity of the world as the theater community is predicted to release another stirring musical celebrating the divine comedy of mutilation and self-deprecation of Caucasian males. Of course, “they” were responsible for the timeless caste systems of China and India, the legacy of the British empire replete with guilt as God never provided a setting sun as a divine showing of eternal defiance.
Since the inception of the Hart-Celler Immigration act in the mid 1960’s, failed policy authored by the masters of espionage that was supposed to weaken the formidable fabric of the Iron Curtain and the Soviet machine, basic resources are at a premium. Instead, the legislation opened up the floodgates for the third world, a wound that will never be cauterized as politicians on both sides of the aisle remain indifferent in adhering to political survivability. Coinciding with the daunting mandate, over the last six decades, US farmers have been encouraged through financial incentives to not grow crops, which parallels with the influx of immigration into the nation through both legal and illegal channels.
The pay to not grow campaign has resulted in a disturbing array of wind energy harnessing propellers idly looming in a state of hibernation that defies the laws of thermodynamics, yet funds the lucrative gains of those pushing the Green New Deal. This reality coinciding with non-native-native females choosing to not reproduce leaves an interesting and tragic conundrum that can only be defined through the musings of a self-identifying deity exercising squatter’s rights in women’s athletics and the swimming pool of despondency. Freeloading and hoisting a trophy is merely a pronoun away in the back of an Amazon delivery truck.
The numbers are simply not working out, as the dynamic proportion of resources and nutrition to population growth is akin to a toxic relationship between Heidi Fleiss and sensible business practices that do not dance on a table or succumb to scandal. Society is slowly dying with a boost from ideology.
While the yields from agriculture production diminishes, the nutrition in food products adheres to an equal and opposite reaction, as the average American diet gradually plummets to a level of Madur0-Venezuelan subsistence with calories, carbohydrates, and protein a premium worthy of an excise tax of demise. As time is time whether or not durations are measured in the traditional or metric system (Napolean proposed the latter concept of defining moments by numbers in proposing a 10-hour day of 100 minutes per each hour-the proportion of 10 to 24 paramount in forcing a change in perspective), the simple math is lost on those promoting the cryptic, while feeding the voracious appetite of platitudes.
Speaking of time or trying to ungraciously define the construct of life, over the course of the ages of history Entropy is inevitable, and the process of decay is only being accelerated by society having a little bit less and less for the sake of technology and the progression of the Information Age and the ceaseless consumption of energy. Fortunately, the robust force of Darwinism and Natural Selection are a formidable mitigating factor in combatting the gradual attrition of those in the industrialized world, as birth rates plummet and the quality of nourishment glacially dwindles, while the special interest lobby destroys families and worships anomalies. There is hope that the current trajectory future shock collision course with catastrophe can be averted, however extremists are content with continuous decay and their obliviousness to science and research and striving to be on the ceiling of the power hierarchy in the absence of diplomacy and reason, the system geared for inflicting control over groups and individuals.
However, the choice has to be made between the tangibility and AI as the younger and impressionable generations struggle to define themselves, while the predators lurk in the disingenuous tide pools of safety and the subsequent nepionic tendencies struggle to adapt to a perpetual morning, with vibrancy at a premium and vividness succumbing to the many shades of grey.
Obscurity sometimes breeds clarity if only the cohort of sequential lays with purpose in the background, the carcass of opulence judged in the context of tyranny as the resources of the future ungraciously yield to the notions of the temporal interface which is pliable and a manipulative engine for a certain pursuit. Contentment is a commodity within a financial market of ledgers that can be simplified by a simple test question… “does it go up or down? yes” Where does happiness digress? The Federalist Papers provide a necessary structure which does not pertain to mirth or leisurely interludes, lessons addressed in the text that modern lawmakers need to be aware of.