Law enforcement officials in Chandler, Arizona are still investigating a fatal defensive shooting at an Amazon parking lot Wednesday, but published reports about the armed citizen’s actions all indicate that “authorities said that his actions may have prevented a larger shooting.” [adsenseyu2] It’s hardly the first time this year something like this has happened. KPNX […]
Washington Crime Report: Murders, Violent Crime Up, Explains CPL Spike
The number of violent crimes in Washington over the two years from 2019-2021 spiked alarmingly upward, offering one solid explanation for the upward trend in active concealed pistol licenses, along with the revelation by Seattle television station KIRO that the Evergreen State “has the fewest police officers per capita in the country.” [adsenseyu2] According to […]
Have Eight WA Counties Stifled RKBA During Pandemic?
Writing this week at Ammoland News, Lawrence Keane—senior vice president and general counsel at the National Shooting Sports Foundation—reported that Nebraska, Mississippi, Texas, New Hampshire, Utah and other state legislatures “are working to strengthen their state’s preemption laws. [adsenseyu2] But what about Washington, the Evergreen State, with a rich history of gun ownership and one […]
New Concealed Carry Numbers: Momentum Slowed by COVID-19 Outbreak
There are now more than 19.48 million citizens licensed (or with carry permits) to carry concealed handguns in the United States, and it might be more except for the shutdown in several states on accepting new applications because of the COVID-19 outbreak earlier this year. [adsenseyu2] That was the report from the Crime Prevention Research […]
Question for WA Sheriffs, Police: If People Can Give Blood, Why Not Fingerprints?
The Seattle Times reported that Bloodworks Northwest, an independent, non-profit organization that conducts blood drives to supply more than 90 Northwest hospitals, has set up so-called “pop-up blood drives” in several locations, while unintentionally raising a question for some police and sheriffs’ departments. [adsenseyu2] If people can give blood safely during the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, […]
Washington, Arizona CCW Numbers Keep Climbing
New data from the Washington Department of Licensing released Tuesday shows the state has added more than 2,000 more active concealed pistol licenses in the past month. [adsenseyu2] Meanwhile, Arizona—which copied Washington’s state constitutional right-to-bear-arms provision verbatim when it achieved statehood in 1912—has added nearly 1,300 carry permits since mid-August. Arizona is a “constitutional carry” […]