‘Kelly File’ Focus Group Provides Insight On Why The ‘Anger Vote’ Is So Powerful This Year
There is a Storm Brewing In America this year, and Donald Trump Seems To Have The Answer.
While Trump is increasing in popularity with each passing day, there may be something else at play that has the votes piling up. It may have less to do with his competence or incompetence, and more to do with the overwhelming disappointment people have with everything political over the past seven years.
When asked how mad they were, more than half of Americans said they were “Mad As Hell” and not going to take it any more. Now that the South Carolina primaries are over residents were asked why they are “Mad As Hell.” This is what they had to say:
“Right now we are looking at a situation where we are paying as much for refugees and immigrants in this country as we are paying for our veteran’s care right now, 168 Billion per year.”
“Our health care is going straight down the toilet, we can’t convince our doctors to see patients, our military is not being supported and our borders are open.”
“It’s not fair, people losing jobs, people losing money, I can’t afford health care anymore.”
“What bothers me the most in this country is that you can’t even speak the truth anymore.”
“I could never have imagined in eight year in my country that I could have seen such a huge cultural change. It’s an overwhelming umbrella over everything; how we treat our veterans, how we treat our older people, how we’re educating our children, or not educating them, and how we treat one another.”
“How many if you could would throw every member of Congress out, every incumbent, and start over?”
That is just about all of you. If they’re watching in Washington you’re in big big trouble.
sources: Foxnews, Youtube