Like a swarm of African Killer Bees, angry and despondent at the fate of the world, large groups of protesters donning yellow safety vests, continue to remain visual, vocal and in some instances violent near highways in France, as gasoline prices continue to rise through the stratosphere of the ridiculous, and there is no relief in sight. As the ineffectual efforts by the government serve to only exacerbate a troubling situation where a gallon of vehicle fuel costs $7, a reality that incited the middle class and most heavily burdened tax payer proportionally, the fossil fuel apologists of the North American Green movement can be assured that a similar plight is on the horizon for them, if reasonable measures are not undertaken to refrain from drinking the Al Gore infused Kool-Aid, an intoxicating libation that certain freshman members of congress already possess a frat party annual binge drinking epic magnitude of tolerance for.
The effulgent and vibrant fluorescent sea of crowds urging French motorists to enact a political paradigm shift in embracing conservative members of parliament is reaching crises levels, as authorities have fought back in limiting the Constitutional freedoms of citizens by evoking bans on certain factions of Yellow Vest movement demonstrators after private business were trashed and looted, reports the ABC news, a sign that government is resorting to desperate measures in completely failing to address the issue of disproportionate taxation in penalizing the average citizen for being responsible financially. The same alarming trend is emerging in larger US cities, as the middle class fights to stay buoyant against the onset of crippling revelation and legislation, and the presence of powerful unions in pushing the average full-time salaries of public workers in excess of $100 thousand.
Since the height of the Holiday season, waves of French citizens have used the icon of the yellow vest and the stringent requirements by the nation’s department of transportation in requiring that all drivers have one on hand, including a road triangle, and a set of working breathalyzers, to demonstrate against the prevalence of bureaucracy, and an economic system gravitating towards socialism, if not already there. Current vehicle policy dictates that drivers possess the cavalcade of supplementary safety equipment or face hefty fines, which only adds to the infuriating reality of the price at the pump.
In the US, some states have vehicle operator requirements that border on the insane, sizable fuel taxes, and the existence of a Crony capitalism government infused cottage industry spurred by high traffic fines and the existence of DUI laws. However, the similarities are in place, and with the jet stream assisted fast track approach from west to east across Asia, as European policy is recklessly tossed into the high altitude aircraft routes, in eventually reaching the Left coast, the unavoidable clash of ideologies should have politicians on notice, that intolerance can go both ways, and vehicle commuters will not back down from a fight.
The unenforceable components of the New Green Deal outside the confines of the first world, leave the responsible folks increasingly wary and highly skeptical of the relentless rhetoric and ideology lining the pockets of those promoting an adherence to junk science, that delves into the spurious incredulity of cognitive dissonance.
Read the ABC News story here.