After spending $4 billion on twos state of the art control centers, the computers compiled the concept of social distancing.
The empty and rugged hinterlands of the middle North American continent, historically forever silent except for the annual inclement weather and bellowing windstorms now face a coordinate and moderate migration. In the absence of liberated herds of Buffalo and the neo-Kantianism fleeting trendiness of manifest destiny facilitated by data points, and not providing a side dish in celebration of the human spirt, the high plains bracketed by the continental divide are a justifiable excuse and the metaphorical shelter for displaced optimism.
As the mainstream press continues to dictate the flow of information predominated by the coronavirus apocalyptic rhetoric signaling the end to modern society, the search engines in turn resound in viral virus content drowning the end user, which in turn surges over the tidal basins of social networking communities and inundates the entire lexicon of posts and memes with a slathering of gloom and doom. Real and proven Homo sapien driven temporary climate change is not simply a billion dollar industry and a tool for political posturing. The ungodly net amount of heat generated from the massive gravitation towards working from home, and the daunting server space required to accommodate vital comments and responses encouraging the use of gender pronouns in comfortably diversifying the scope of the catastrophe for special interest groups has actually warped the basic laws of physics. And don’t forget the Democratic candidates languishing within the sleek comfortable confines and friendly skies of serial intercontinental jet travel. In response to the thermodynamic panic, California lawmakers have drafted legislation allowing residents testing positive for the virus to quarantine in comfort and a destination of their choice, a bill that extends to prison inmates, and includes a rider which financially assists adult dungeons that do not fall under the “essential” business category during the current lockdown.
Within the frenzy of contrived world ending scenarios pouring out of every constructed software byte, the veritable evolution of humanity is restrained by the prevalence of fear and misinformation, and while the collective focus is on the digital counters showing a steadily climbing and alarming death rate, the state of the economy has fallen on deaf ears, and the short-term memory nightmare of the industrialized world is playing right into the hands of cultural architects. The malevolent societal blueprints drafted by the failed ambitions of the enlightenment and tainted by the presence of Marxism, include the arrogantly erroneous premise that the world is ready for forced globalism. Even though the gravitation of light to heavy industries being outsourced to China for the last three decades is the crux of the current predicament plaguing all level of the socio-economic hierarchy. However, instant gratification, built upon a healthy and nagging base of cynicism and undiagnosed clinical depression, annihilates the general capacity to recall events that happened just six months ago without deliberate reinforcement. Just how putrid and spooky has the online dating scene become, as social distancing has virtually killed the mating instinct through a virtual platform of disdain?
Society is growing hilariously unpredictable and certifiable and after another month of economic tailspin and forced isolation.
A regurgitative and viscous cycle of positive reinforcement is spoon fed to the public by the media, and fickle ideas of half truths that barely hang onto the edge of the cliff as propaganda are hastily recycled and rebranded. What ever happened to the Malaysian airliner that seemingly disappeared into nothingness over expansive waters of the Pacific? Unless it fits snuggly into a beneficial narrative funding an ulterior motive, any answer other than compliance is obsolete and the passive brainwashing continues.
As the sanguine ideals of peace of mind and the pursuit of happiness have gone off the grid, is the concept of hope incompatible within the content of a confusing world built of ambiguity, false pretenses, and the brazenly indecent and intolerant? None of the generations are free from blame for the harrowing conundrum bearing down on the future, but the younger demographics have allowed themselves to be suffocated by rumor, innuendo, and the expectation of ubiquity, while lacking the sobering checks and balances of critical thinking skills. Therefore, multitudes of unsubstantiated claims flashing through the screens of devices forging a legend of a global pandemic are treasured and worshiped in a fog of gaudy atheism, and fact and truth loses a fight to the deaht battle to what is trending. Hope is apparently for Boomers and losers and not necessarily in that order, exclaims the insolent youth through translucent hypertext manga worship insinuating indifference.
To celebrate the pending onset of heavy government intervention and the activation of permanent Socialist policies as the spread of the virus wanes, the radicals are gearing up for an online assault featuring a tapestry of biblical versus from Revelations, the use of irony deplorable in the sense of a child convinced that certain misbehaviors will result in some level of malice and angst for the parents. However, the presence of the furtive and spurious “s” word creates a paradox for the hypocritical architects of anarchy. Without realizing their role in the ultimate game of power left to chance ,”speculation”, proves as the most virulent weapon of destruction bombarding the present and working its way towards altering the future.
Baking A Disaster Souffle
Ingredient List (Serve with a steaming pile of ambiguity)
1 Heaping Tablespoon of Chinese Dissidence and Propaganda
23 Halves of Hapless Governors
2.5 Misguided Generations
3 Social Networks
1 Bitter Root of Mainstream Media
Add a Dash of Search Engines Populated By Rhetoric
Mix in a Flawed Education Cyclical Failure Led By Idealistic and Tenured Professors
Dust with a Group of Global Corporations With Eyes Gazing Overseas
As attention spans have been dwindled to microscopic organism measured in quantum terms, reality has been ungraciously replaced by speculation for a proportion of generation X and almost the entirety of generation Z, and the once stable perception of the world, through high confidence in self-worth and the economy, has become fluidic and volatile as hopelessness pervades. During times of crises illustrated by the Coronavirus, like gullible fools parched for interaction rather than facts, any content that is deemed trending on the Vegas billboard mentality of social media, must be treated as fact, as long as the information piques the interest of friends through validation. The herd mentality can be plotted and represented through digitized statistics. Surely, a garishly boring virus from China is no match for smartphone and a Springbreak intoxicating orgy on the beaches of Florida? Invincibility is swiftly retracted when a growing number of college students defecting to Mexico for a two week hiatus are now falling ill.
Unfortunately, strains of speculation have transcended the demographics, and politicians and individuals falling under the loosest of the loose terms defining journalists are weaponizing the unknown to elicit confusion and fear. This opens up the trapdoor of adopting hasty policy that violates Constitutional rights. Their reckless and thoughtless actions only forward bureaucracy in binding the population to rubber stamped decrees by glorified middle managers unfit to lead and wary of innovation. The blind faith in government to prevail in times of crises is appalling considering the ideological health of the republic is in a dangerous and precarious position. And the fractured pipeline of shared information further divides a nation already compartmentalized and isolated by the toxic line of demarcation separating the sayers from the doers. The lack of unification and faith allows politicians to gradually push the shackles of lockdown the back another month, or possibly another season, until finally the endgame is an unrecognizable chaotic nightmare where a scanty morsel of peace and solitude appears under protective and guarded layers repelling incessant probing from the federal state.
While the sanguine notion of patriotism digs in with a healthy array of armaments, eons away from the maniacism and urban demagogues exploiting a plague, it is in the best interest of the nation for those choosing to fight the madness to promote faith, family, and the idea that hope is still evident in the passing darkness of the uncertain.
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