The governing organ of an US Presbyterian church network has officially hawked the crib notes from the technocratic hierarchy of billion dollar software and social networking tycoons in creating a resounding chaos that involves a mouthful of crucial concepts and ideals ranging from Constitutional freedoms to human nature. Through the riveting guise of innovation, what appears to be sensible in the form of scribbles on a grease board during a small group brainstorming session, is often not conceptually sound when introduced into the realities of everyday life. But that does not deter the dreamers from having too much faith in the sappy and infallible endings of science fiction, rather than scientific evidence and the obligatory hand holding and hugging of beings that come to the unsustainable conclusion that the vastness of the universe is in actuality smugly quaint as a backdrop for the tachyon quarrels between groups of lifeforms. Leadership of the Presbyterian sect is attempting to take on guns, and with the amassed subtly and graceful prowess of a streaming reality power couple describing their torrid affair with Amazonian electric eels in stilted phrases and a disjointed series of emojies.
Due to a tepid display of interest and the presence of political environments that are not conducive to fostering faith, or for that matter a feasible sanguine magnitude in fostering hope, church attendance has been slowly dwindling as congregations scramble to stay relevant in a world where the concept of God revolves around the operating system of a smartphone, and the overall content generated within the social networking communities. Thus, the liberalization of churches has been an acceptable and at times a desperate response to the drastic changes in society, and the recalibration of moral standards, prompting the reinvigorating of the masses on a spiritual level. Not surprisingly, an open invitation to the LGBT movement has been one of the first measures on the docket of the electronic reformation, as members struggle to integrate the concepts of non-traditional couplings in sacred areas of worship. As any subject matter surrounding the phrase “gun violence prevention” is sure to resonate on the viral Richter scale, the adoption of policy and talking points devoted to firearms at the very least will emanate throughout the water cooler noosphere of polite dialogue.
While understanding can only withstand the superficial stages of conversation pertaining to the idea of that talk is indeed is cheap, once an idea passes the threshold of the initial honeymoon phase of cultural relevance, the real debate begins, as the heavyweight ideology is deployed. In a true no holes barred approach to marketing, the decision makers at the church decided for the a brazen PR campaign to their stance on guns to the world and the heavens, reports Breitbart News. This was simply not a prepared statement proliferating through the nodes of media by an elder, but leadership of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship announced the ordainment of the first “Minister of Gun Violence Prevention”, an actual flesh and blood member of the clergy apparently tasked with officiating and pontificating over a tedious and important debate, and armed with a dubiously impressive and imposing title.
Why skirt a precarious issues with colorful language or a short information video, when a living, evolving and allegedly enlightened being can respond and retract to every tragic instance of firearms violence, and do so through the guidance of the lord? Reverend Deanna Hollas becomes maybe the world’s initial spiritual adviser given the unforgiving task of intertwining sermons with political posturing and dialogue meant for personal walls, message boards, and town hall meetings, and not within the introspective milieu and eternal place of worship in a large church network. She becomes simply another female religious figure who is a thorn in the side of liberty, but at least is confined to the boundaries of the congregation and not actively pressuring commercial firearms entities to change policy on a proxy level.
Fortunately, on a scale measuring polarization and eliciting furious and impassioned exchanges of ideas, Hollas has garnered nearly a perfect 10 in being everything one would expect from a mouthpiece of propaganda and a walking example of a “Gun- Free Zone” in minting sound bytes worthy of awards for irony, and not common sense. Mother Teresa she is not, and exemplifies how some folks will morph under the microscope of a power trip. Below is one of her gems that encapsulates a relentless, yet furtive affliction of gun control reform attempting to collapse the church and sensibility from within.
“Guns and identity are linked for many people; that is why I have developed a spiritual practice that helps us shift our bodies from fight-or-flight mode and teaches us to welcome and hold with compassion all the sensations that arise in our bodies. When we connect with one another on the level of personal experience, it leads to empathy. Establishing empathy is key in peacemaking.”
In other words, have faith in the will of God, and complicate the split second life-death decision tree by going against instinct in averting danger, by requesting a hug and a primrose. While a good overall quality to bestow during normal circumstances, empathy should be banned from any conscious thought in effectively evaluating a potential threat. Unwritten rules at times, especially within the vortex of the oscillating and shimmering internet galaxy, need to be reinforced in strong written fonts or verbally expressed, especially with the collective short-term memory set at 15-second intervals and conducive to the speed of light news cycle. A small percentage of gun rights activists hold reasonable positions on hypothetical methods of discussion that will never be enacted into law, but scorn the idea of mixing Second Amendment verbiage and religion, a boundary that Hollas has trashed.
While the immediate ramifications of the appointment of Hollas will lead to gun donation events in church parking lots and bullets instead of dollars surrendered as offerings, the telling permanent effects of the bold move to compromise the sanctity of organizational religion will yield to new philosophies ensconced in scripture. The phenomenon is nothing new, but at least humanity has 2000 years of tangible precedent available to process in holding reason as the mitigating balance to chaos.
Will the questionable ordainment lead to dramatic societal changes, jam pack the pews, or simply irk the core believers into looking to other congregations for community and spiritual enlightenment. Stay tuned.
Read the Breitbart News story here.
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