The discourse of a resident at a Seattle city council meeting falls on deaf ears.
The riddle is tediously relevant in today’s divisive political climate. If the city council hosts a public meeting, how many standing members actually actively listen to concerns from residents, rather than deviously counteract the wishes of voters, in creating a federally funded forest filled with drug addicts and garbage?
The answer is 42!
Actually the correct response is a whopping 2, and weighing the number against the other 5 elected officials mentally checked in their smart devices instead of reality, the subsequent batting average of a light hitting .286 smacks of oblivious incompetency. Thanks to the wonders of video sorcery and YouTube, a real life horrific instance of megalomania and elitism was captured for all to see, as the Seattle City Council failed miserably in giving their undivided attention to a resident attempting to address the reprehensible politicians during an open forum.
Imagine allocating the time and money to interface with local government during the week, only to be largely ignored and rudely dismissed by a bureaucrat.
If the incident is not a disgusting example of deplorable and smarmy arrogance, the fallout from the controversy defies belief.
Citizens frustrated and angered by the willful and discourteous behavior of council members, understandably responded with an avalanche of pointed emails and messages expressing their concerns and outrage. However, city officials left the abomination unresolved in a series of curiously indecent moves, by first failing to publicly apologize to the resident, and to top that off, awarded face time to a pair of individuals somehow morphing the negative public response into a bizarre racially motivated attack towards council members, rather than recognizing the simply angst of voters demanding a rare instance of accountability.
This discouraging display of unprofessional arrogance is hard evidence as to why the idea of a career politician does not align with the Constitution or free market principles, and the incongruous components of extremist idealism taints productive debate.
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