While many liberal Americans concerned about gun violence think the solution is to enact strict gun control laws. As the chart below shows, the results in counties that have done so have proven to be nothing short of disastrous.
While the US tops the list in gun ownership, it is way down the list of gun deaths per thousand. Remove the data from gun-controllled cites like Baltimore, Chicago, DC, Atlanta or LA and the US becomes one of the safest countries in the world. If we were able to resolve the gang death problem another large portion of the challenge would disappear overnight.
As time has shown, taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens only makes the problem worse. Honduras and Venezuela are prime examples. The two countries with the highest gun death rate in the world both have strict gun control laws that for the most part do not allow their people to own guns. Unfortunately, the criminal element did not obey the gun laws (imagine that) leaving the citizens defenseless as they are being slaughtered by “bad guys with guns.”
Fortunately, the people are beginning to demand their guns back to protect themselves, and fortunately their governments, not matter how corrupt, are being left with no choice but to listen.