The collective memory retention capability of society is continually tested as incidents of global interest, which have not achieved official closure and finality, linger into the ambiguous mists of the future months, years and decades.
An interesting and telling thought experiment, in exploring the universal degradation of shared information, would simply consist of asking a group of 100 individuals to identify the most important unsolved mystery over the last five years. Would the missing Malaysia Airlines jumbo jet, even qualify for the survey list in this high stakes game of Family Feud?
ABC news reports, that an Air France flew over the landing area of a North Korean ICBM missile test Friday, merely minutes after the rocket plunged into the sea. While a 6 mile

vertical distance separated by one and a half minutes does not constitute a narrow miss, it makes for an intriguing headline and further puts the onus on the progeny of Kin Jon Il, that the rest of the world is dealing with a “if not, but when” crises situation. In reverting back to the idea in quizzing a small sample size of individuals, how many of the metaphorical participants could recall the fate of the crew and passengers of Korean Airlines Flight 007 tragedy, where a 747 aircraft was unceremoniously shot down by a Soviet Mig fighter jet, and the communist government chose to officially recognize the execution of 269 souls, as a case of “mistaken identity”.
Nearly 34 years have passed since the Boeing aircraft inadvertently drifted in Soviet airspace, yet the incident is buried under a three decade plus trash heap of informational archives, further convoluted by the realities of life and the propensity of instant gratification. And of course, the intrepid military arm of the North Korean government can use the phenomenon of information decay, to gradually lengthen the scale of missile tests, until an unfortunate airliner encounters a “test” in progress at cruising altitude. History has an eerie way of nearly repeating itself with the slightest adjustments made to the grand script.
Remember, the North Koreans are the masters of continually rewriting history for the continued indoctrination and shackles of societal control in grooming their own people to function has pitiful labor robots for the good of the state, rather than exist as human beings. Maybe, the propaganda efforts from Pyongyang are beginning to subtly crack the resolve of western civilization. Don’t tell Dennis Rodman or the vortex of the human rights movement, but the former NBA start is attempting dialogue with an insidious facsimile of a militant anthill. Unfortunately, the window for a simple extermination, closed two decades ago and the reality exists now that a complete purge would cost millions of lives, and billions of dollars.
Read the full ABC News article here.