Wearing An Explosive Belt And Blowing Up An Israeli Bus Is A Good Idea?
Disturbing new Hamas video urges Palestinians to “blow the roof off of the bus” and speaks of “roasting Jewish flesh,” yet the world is pressuring Israel?
And Hollywood Supports This?
If any other faction made a video like this they would receive wholesale condemnation from the rest of the civilized world. But somehow Hamas and other Islamic Terrorists can get away ‘Murder,’ saying of the Israelis:
Turn them into body parts, roast them.
Bringing Joy into the hearts of the steadfast people.”
If there is one person out there who stand against Israel, it can only be because they don’t understand. There is nothing Israel can do to stop the aggression. While they could destroy Palestine in a moment, they don’t. They have tolerated over 20,000 missile and bombs being fired on their cities with very little retaliation. They have given up the West Bank and the Gaza strip in exchange for peace. Palestine did not keep its word. But the most important understanding is that:
If Israel puts down their guns, they will be immediately destroyed. If Palestinians put down their guns, there will be peace, immediately.
Oh martyrdom seeker make them cry, make the flames engulf them.
Turn them into body parts, roast them.
Bringing Joy into the hearts of the steadfast people.
Oh martyrdom seeker it is our duty to defend our people.
You are the voice of honor with us.
With your explosive belt we will defend our free women.
We want the dead to fill the streets and the blood to intensify the pain.
Make the Zionists withdraw from the wrath of my avenging people.
Oh bearer of good tidings, wrap the explosive belt around your waist.
The story of the Infinada will only be told when the roof of a bus goes flying.
Oh bearer of good tidings, wrap the explosive belt around your waist.
The story of the Infinada will only be told when the roof of a bus goes flying.”
VIDEO: Disturbing New Hamas Video Urges Palestinians To “Blow The Roof Off Of The Bus”