Cue the jaunty jazzy tune of Let’s Call the Whole thing off with echoing percussion finger snaps… Enter stage left a mobile ice age wispy glacier… Enter stage right a mobile angry burning sun with a furrowed brow of discontent… Lower Al Gore donning a smock overrun by question marks to center stage.
The periphery of the Green New Deal, which originated as a fledgling seedling of the pseudo-intellectual astrological thought experiment worshiping Mother Gaea in the wake of the peace movement, is now enduring an epic midlife crises or what actuaries like to refer to as a “qualifying life event”. Harnessing principles of deconstructive criticism, the perpetually devolving life form produced under the dope laden shadowy Berkeley underworld on an expanse of grass adjacent to student union quad, faces yet another change in identity, as the radicals embracing the billion dollar scam matrix of the environmental movement endure heightened pressure from their supporters. Skepticism aside, even the most over-educated progressive idealists are questioning the rhetoric from a group of individuals abusing average intelligence in completely butchering basic scientific dogma, including a gross misinterpretation of thermodynamics.
The net result of this exothermic visceral reactions with surprising facets of logic, is that the controversial label for the apparent rape of the planet, climate change, is now being scuttled for, climate emergency, reports the Daily Caller, as desperation is surging through the ranks of activists and dissenters. This blatant call to action and insinuation that world is immediately going to hell, has reasonable people scratching their heads as to what level of hysteria extremist organizers will go to avert the steadfast ideals associated with pursuing truth, while pursuing a toxic agenda. Ironically, the adoption of subversive and aggressive mechanisms in spreading propaganda comes just weeks after the United Nations released the results of an extensive study on the state of the climate in a 708 page report, which includes an entire chapter citing the absence of complete and substantial data sets in providing support for computer models showing the impact by humanity on the environment, and temperature predictions. The retort to a lack of evidence is simple, employ the incredulous tactic of disguising and deflecting. In this case, a drastic change of lexicon will surely buy enough time for another generation of felonious research to emerge and wipe the slate clean, just as the self-driving vehicle manufactures relying on heavy subsidies from the pockets of tax payers claim a reduced environmental footprint, yet fail to mention the hazardous nightmare situation created by the tedious disposal requirements of volatile batteries.
The game has virtually no rules as long as an agenda forged by nascent group think is being forwarded. Hence, a species of duck succumbing to the rigors of evolution is renamed a “Jeweled Lesser Pond Princess”, a casual glance from a white male to a female in a Seattle bar becomes an “aggressive leer” with associated underlying nuances of sexual deviancy and rape, and the next ice age transforms from “global warming” into “climate change” and into the hipster dictionary entry of “climate emergency”. This ridiculous merry go round of insanity is why Bernie Sanders is even relevant in pawning off the shackles of socialism on the populace as some sort of magical formula facilitating utopia by the simple inclusion of the term “democratic”. In a world where absolutes are discounted for political correctness, the only emergency is the strong possibility that society is losing touch with truth, or in other words a death of a nation. Blind activism and junk science funding lucrative and unethical business ventures- Let’s call the whole thing off.
Read the Daily Caller story here.